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Belgium Empire

Belgium's Colonial Era

Belgian Congo: A Troubled Past

During the colonial era, Belgium controlled several territories and concessions, most notably the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). However, the legacy of Belgium's colonial rule is a complex and troubled one.

Expansion and Exploitation

In 1885, King Leopold II of Belgium established the Congo Free State, a personal fiefdom that was ruled with brutal force. Leopold's regime was responsible for widespread atrocities, including forced labor, torture, and the deaths of millions of Congolese people.

Independence and Legacy

In 1960, the Belgian Congo gained independence. However, the legacy of colonialism continued to shape the country's politics and economy for decades. Belgium's colonial policies had created deep divisions within Congolese society, and the country has struggled to overcome these divisions.


Belgium's colonial era is a dark chapter in its history. The atrocities committed during this period cast a long shadow over Belgium's international reputation and have had a lasting impact on the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today, Belgium grapples with the legacy of colonialism, as it works to foster reconciliation and promote development in its former colony.


